Thursday 9 July 2009

Bloging from Korea.

Well what can I say? I've arrived safely at Incheon international airport in Korea and have four hours to kill before my two hour onward flight to UB. From my short time here, and only the view from the pane and the airport, has convinced me that Korea proper is well worth a visit. Just to give you a flavour they have a Korean cultural centre in the airport where you can paint fans, listen to traditional music and shop for traditional handcrafted jewlery. The music even was free as is my internet access, it cost me the price of a mocha ($4 US). Not bad eh? The Koreans themselves are lovely people, very smiley and helpful as was a lovely Japanese man I sat next to on the plane. IT's amazing how human kindness trancends barriers of language, race etc, I have a feeling my over riding memory of my holiday will be the kindness of strangers. It's been a funny old experience so far. I was absoulutely comatosed on the plane from Heathrow (Thank God!!) in and out like the hockey coceky. I THnk it's about 8 o'clock UK time but I can't be sure. I did also want to phone home (had a total ET moment) but couldn't work out how to procure a phone card so Mum and Dad I'll be emailing you quickly just to let you know everything is kosher. Oh and most imporatanly of all Korea is a civilised country...there are smoking rooms in the airport!!! It's definately worth coming back for a better look.

1 comment:

  1. Very true hun, nearly all of the people in that area and the south east asia are.

