Sunday 12 July 2009

Nadaam day two. (12-07-09)

Today was an interesting day on many counts not least because we got woken up at about 1/1.30 in the morning by some drunk Mongolians hammering on the door! That didn't put me a good mood as we are off to the horse racing the at 6.30. But it was ok we got there on time and went off to join the madness that is race day out on the Steppe. After being briefed a bit by Jess we went on our way to find food etc. The horse race takes place over a 25KM course and it is to test the strength of the horse...not the jockey. The jockeys in this case were children as they are lighter. It was amazing to see so many Mongolians on horses. Many had come in from the country side to see this and it was clear to me why they are known as The Lords of the Horse. As I posted in my entry about the opening ceremony, there is an incredable synergy between horse and rider which is just such a joy to behold. The horse is considered the spirt of Mongolia and is revered in art amongst many other things. We pottered around the ger encampment, found food, did a little shopping and the went to take our places by the finish lline to see the horses come in. It was great for the first 20 or so minutes and then the crowds started to rush in. I was with Rob, Robert, Belinda and Brian and thank god because the railings we were leaning against had started to cant at an alarming angle. In the end we just had to push our way back through the crowd to escape the mounting pressure at our backs. We all made it out safely but I was serverly shaken. (Hence why I couldn't face the Nadaam closing seremony and watched it on the TV). We also found out that one of our party had been knocked unconscious by a drunk horse manwho realised he was going to miss the start of the race and so cantered down to line and just barreled into him. He's a lovely southern gent called Harry who is 84 and has a quadruple heart bypass two years before. Luckily, after a long saga, they managed to get him to the hospital and he was back with us at six. However we didn't let it ruin our day. After we had regrouped and got our collective breathes back we went to the cultural Nadaam where I got to shoot a Mongolian Recurve. It was hideous!! My arrows veered off to the right and didn't fly very far but I shot a recurve!! Job done! I have a couple of photos, it's awesome to be able to say I shot the bow of the Lords of War!
On a total side not what I was saying about the Mongolians not being very attractive is utter crap both the men and women are amongst some of the most beautiful I've seen. They range from pale skin and hair through to dark sking and hair. I could definately become a Mongolia wife.
Anyway I've tied up the net for far to long and it's been a long day. Off to Khenti tomorrow, not Trelj, so I'll love youa nd leave you. Please let me know how you're all getting on it would be good to get some news.

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